The Mystery Protocol

ISBN 9788899762353



“The Mystery Protocol” is a gripping novel about the investigations of detectives Sartori and Serra as they grapple with a case that will take them into the dark depths of the medical-scientific world. Dr. Rienzi, a famous scientist and researcher, has discovered a treatment protocol for an incurable disease, sparking intense and conflicting interests. While the discovery promises a revolution in the medical field the incredible truth behind it turns out to be a chilling secret. Amid power plays, intrigue and dangerous alliances Sartori and Serra will attempt to unmask the hand that killed Dr. Rienzi but find themselves facing an enemy far greater than they imagined. “Mystery Protocol” is a novel that ranges from detective story to thriller, keeping the reader gripped to the plot from the very first pages. A suspenseful and tense scenario populated by complex and intricate characters who clash in a battle for truth where every move could prove fatal.

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Paper ITA, Paper EN, ePub ITA, ePub EN, Audiobook ITA, Audiobook EN, PDF

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Dicembre 2023

Partial text

The sun shone high in the sky to illuminate the quiet seaside town where the waves gently broke on the sandy shore. Detective Marco Sartori was drawn to that serene beauty but at the same time the darkness of the night allowed him to explore the most secret and restless corners of his soul. As he walked along the silent deserted streets, the reflections of the lights of the street lamps danced on the facades of the houses like eerie shadows. The city, like the river that ran through it, had many stories to tell. It whispered of broken loves, of intrigues hidden behind the elegant facades of mansions, of people who had lost themselves in the murky current of life. He sought to decipher these mysteries, to make sense of the tragedies that had shaken the everyday.
The great river, which had become his faithful companion on sleepless nights, hid in its course the secrets he was supposed to unravel. Its majestic surface stretched like a silver veil, reflecting the moon like an enchanted mirror. The water glided swiftly and impetuously, just like the instinct that drove him to dig deeper and deeper into the investigation. He was fascinated by the contrast between the gentle waves that wistfully lapped the shore and the palpable tension he felt on his shoulders. On those nights anything seemed possible. The endless array of colors on the horizon during dawn brought with it a sense of rebirth, of hope. Those silent moments reminded him how extraordinary life could be, despite the tragedies that plagued the city. Yet in that very dark river that inspired him, painful nefariousness lurked.
During the day he strolled through the stores trying to catch people’s whispers, those fragments of confidences that could help him unravel the tangle of terrible stories that enveloped the city. But it was with the night that he felt in tune with the search, when the city emptied of all fears and allowed itself to be enveloped in mysteries. Along the banks of the river he scanned the darkness, as if trying to draw from the darkness the answers he so longed for. He could feel the restlessness of the river, the wave that kept flowing incessantly putting off his innermost thoughts. It was not merely a source of inspiration it was a fellow traveler, an open text that promised to reveal unfathomable truths.
Through his investigations he hoped to restore some of the serenity the city had lost. He wanted to clear the air about human wickedness, bringing to light every piece of truth that lurked behind appearances. His dedication and insight often earned him the trust of those who needed justice.
Over the course of nights of searching he learned that beauty can coexist with evil, that the river can soothe but also drown, that hope can make its way even in the most desperate situations. And as dawn unveiled its reddish colors he prepared to put his investigative “tools” back in place, ready to throw himself into the depths of the city once again in the hope of bringing harmony back into the hearts of all who seek the longed-for truth. He had spent most of his life in that city’s police headquarters and more time would pass before he came to a well-deserved rest, for which he yearned and contradictorily did not want because it would reduce him to operational immobility.Il grande fiume, diventato suo compagno fedele delle notti insonni, nascondeva nel suo corso i segreti che avrebbe dovuto svelare. La sua maestosa superficie si estendeva come un velo d’argento, riflettendo la luna come uno specchio incantato. L’acqua scivolava rapida e impetuosa, proprio come l’istinto che lo spingeva a scavare sempre più profondo nelle indagini.
Era affascinato dal contrasto fra le onde dolci che lambivano malinconicamente la riva e la tensione palpabile che avvertiva sulle sue spalle. In quelle notti tutto sembrava possibile. L’infinito ventaglio di colori che si stagliava all’orizzonte durante l’alba portava con sé un senso di rinascita, di speranza. Quei momenti silenziosi gli ricordavano come la vita potesse essere straordinaria, nonostante le tragedie che affliggevano la città. Eppure proprio in quel buio fiume, che lo ispirava, si celavano dolorose nefandezze.
Durante il giorno passeggiava tra i negozi cercando di catturare i sussurri delle persone, quei frammenti di confidenze che potevano aiutarlo a dipanare il groviglio di storie terribili che avvolgevano la città. Ma era con la notte che si sentiva in sintonia con le ricerche, quando la città si svuotava di tutte le paure e si lasciava avvolgere dai misteri. Lungo le rive del fiume scrutava l’oscurità, come se cercasse di trarre dalle tenebre le risposte che tanto bramava. Sentiva l’irrequietezza del fiume, l’onda che continuava a scorrere incessante rimandando i suoi pensieri più reconditi. Non si trattava solo di una mera fonte d’ispirazione era un compagno di viaggio, un testo aperto che prometteva di svelare le verità insondabili.
Attraverso le indagini che svolgeva sperava di restituire una parte di quella serenità che la città aveva perduto. Voleva chiarire i conti con la cattiveria umana, portando alla luce ogni tassello di verità che si celava dietro le apparenze. La sua dedizione e il suo intuito gli facevano spesso guadagnare la fiducia di chi aveva bisogno di giustizia.
Nel corso delle notti di ricerca apprese che la bellezza può convivere con il male, che il fiume può lenire ma anche annegare, che la speranza può farsi strada anche nelle situazioni più disperate. E mentre l’alba svelava i suoi colori rossastri si preparava a rimettere a posto i suoi “arnesi” investigativi, pronto a gettarsi nelle profondità della città, ancora una volta nella speranza di riportare l’armonia nel cuore di tutti coloro che cercano la tanto agognata verità. Aveva trascorso gran parte della sua vita nella questura di quella città e altro tempo avrebbe trascorso prima di giungere a un meritato riposo, al quale anelava e contraddittoriamente non voleva perché lo avrebbe ridotto all’immobilismo operativo.